I've been engrossed with learning about DX11 lately. I've looked at slide presentations, listened to audio recordings of speeches, and read various articles discussing the new features being introduced. I believe it's a great understatement to say that I'm excited about DX11. I've finally come to the conclusion that once I have a DX11 GPU, I'm going to rewrite my procedural planet code using DX11.
In the meantime, I've decided to take about 1 month to implement a prototype for a tactical RPG I've been thinking about. I started about 2 weeks ago, and I plan to finish it by the end of April. One of my main goals is to have it completely mouse driven so that it can be played on a tablet.
I believe it is coming along rather well. I have a really nice 2D camera set up that behaves similar to Google Maps. You can use the mouse to drag around the view and you can zoom in and out using the scroll wheel. I have basic movement and attacking implemented as well. I even have one of my graphic designer friends making up some art for me. Overall, it should shape up to be a pretty decent prototype. Maybe I will even release it to the public, source and all.
New content for Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was released last week. As a result, I pulled out the game again and played it some more. I wasted several hours just messing around with the vehicle editor to make various contraptions. I started thinking about how much fun it was to just tinker around like that without really following any goals, and then I started wondering about how hard it would be to implement a similar system myself.
Almost 4 years ago, I had implemented a "domino simulator" using what was then known as the NovodeX physics engine. It is now known as PhysX, is owned by Nvidia, and has hardware acceleration. So, I downloaded the SDK and played around with some of the samples.
First, the good. I was simply astounded by how many samples were provided in the SDK. There are 37 samples and 89 "lessons", all with documentation. It is amazing. Plus, the hardware acceleration really helps speed the physics engine up. One of the samples was getting about 40fps in software mode and 130fps in hardware mode. That was on a 9800M GT.
The bad is more about C++ than PhysX. I decided to create a C++ project from scratch and then add all of the libraries and code necessary to get the first lesson from the SDK working. It was horrific. It took me 3 hours to get everything to compile and run. In the end, here is what was in my project:
5 include directories
3 static libraries
Remember, all of that was to run the FIRST lesson, which is just three shapes on a plane. In C#, it would have been 3-4 DLLs and one CS file. As I said, this is more of a complaint about C++ and not PhysX. I forgot how tedious it was to setup a project for the first time. I do plan to stick with PhysX though, because once I do port my procedural planet code over to C++/DX11, then I will want a nice physics engine to go along with it, and it might was well be the only one with hardware acceleration.
Until next time...